iRobot 510 PackBot for HazMat Responders

9 years ago

Meet the iRobot 510 PackBot: a robot designed to deal with CBRN threats. It has 5 sensor mounting locations. It…

Keg-a-Droid Robotic Beer Server

9 years ago

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. That applies to serving beer as well. The…

HR-OS1: Hackable, Modular, Humanoid Robot

9 years ago

You can't expect to learn about robots if you don't hack or play with them. The HR-OS1 Humanoid Endoskeleton is…

CableRobot Virtual Reality Cage / Motion Simulator

9 years ago

Meet the MPI Cable Simulator: a cable-driven parallel robot that moves humans around to provide them with a richer virtual…

Maximo 5 Axis Robot Arm Handling Screws

9 years ago

We have covered many awesome educational robots here in the past. Maximo is a 5-axis robot arm with a laser-cut…

Hermes: Robot with Human Reflexes

9 years ago

Robots are getting smarter and more sophisticated all the time. They could even have human reflexes in the future. In…

Microbot Push Robotic Wireless Finger [Video]

9 years ago

We had the opportunity to cover Microbot Push just a couple of weeks ago. It is a robotic wireless finger…

Vorwerk Kobold VR100 Robot Vacuum

9 years ago

Here is a robot that can map your home and clean your floor. The Vorwerk Kobold VR100 Robot Vacuum is…

This Robot Has Its Own Quadcopter

9 years ago

Robots are going to become more capable in the future. They could even get their own drones. The below video…

Seek N’ Sneak 2: Arduino Robotic Pet

9 years ago

Meet Seek N' Sneak 2: an Arduino-powered robot that can grab and move objects. It has two driving wheels that…