Ladder Climbing Snake Robot

6 years ago

In the past few years, we have covered a bunch of snake robots that can go through narrow spaces and…

Mochibot 32-Legged Spherical Robot

6 years ago

Meet the Mochibot: a 32-legged spherical robot based on a rhombic triacontahedron that can move in every direction. It retracts…

Titan + Protector Remote Weapon Station Robotic Antitank

6 years ago

In the past few years, we have covered a bunch of ground vehicles from Milrem robotics. The Titan unmanned ground…

Sweeper Pepper Harvesting Robot Picks Peppers in 24 Seconds

6 years ago

Meet Sweeper: an advanced sweet pepper harvesting robot that can pick fruit in 24 seconds with a success rate of…

FANUC M-2000iA Robot Can Lift & Charge a Chevrolet Bolt

6 years ago

Here is an industrial robot capable of handling super heavy items, including a Chevrolet Bolt vehicle. FANUC’s M-2000iA series of…

Q-Scout Arduino Robot for Kids

6 years ago

Meet the Q-Scout: an Arduino robot designed to teach kids the basics of coding. The robot has a Scratch 3.0…

T4 Autonomous Mobile Robot from Aethon

6 years ago

Here is another robot that allows manufacturers to become more operationally efficient. The T4 is an autonomous mobile robot with…

Relay Autonomous Service Robot for Hospitals

6 years ago

Meet the Relay robot: an autonomous service robot that can improve hospital workflows. The robot can transport items to help…

Soft Robotic Arms for Deep Sea Research

6 years ago

In the past few months, we have covered a bunch of robots designed to handle fragile marine living organisms. Wyss…

Cassie Bipedal Robot Learns to Hop

6 years ago

Remember Cassie? It is a bipedal robot that can walk and run, making it ideal for search and rescue mission…