Docking 2 Drones in Mid-Air Using Relative Position Measurements

4 years ago

Docking drones in mid-air is easier said that done. With the rise of modular robots, midair docking is becoming quite…

This Gamer Got a Metal Gear Solid Bionic Arm

4 years ago

Remember the Hero Arm? It is a robotic prosthetic arm with 8kg lifting capacity that can make life easier for…

Collaborative Robot Cable Management System

4 years ago

Dealing with cables comes with its own challenges. We have all had to deal with tangled cables when dealing with…

DelFly Nimble Tailless Flapping Wing Robot

4 years ago

Meet the DelFly Nimble: a tailless flapping wing robot that uses a single small camera and tiny processor to fly…

Robotic Snake Device Developed to Grip, Pick Up Fragile Objects

4 years ago

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of bio-inspired robots that can take on a variety of tasks.…

This Robot Simulates Hand Holding

4 years ago

Here is a robot designed to simulate hand holding with a girlfriend or wife. Designed by Japanese engineers, Osampo Kanojo…

Orion 2 Tethered Long-Endurance Drone for Military

4 years ago

It is no secret that consumer drones leave a whole lot to be desired when it comes to their battery…

Quadruped Robot Learning to Jump High

4 years ago

We have seen plenty of robots that can jump, roll, and recover after a fall. Teaching them to jump very…

Multi-Layered Locomotion Framework for Legged Robots

4 years ago

Robots are getting better at negotiating rough and unknown environments all the time. This video shows a multi-layered locomotion system…

This Drone Shoots Wireless Sensors Like Darts

4 years ago

Drones have been used in the past to bring sensors to hazardous and hard to reach environments. This video from…