Dusty FieldPrinter Robot for Construction Sites

3 years ago

Meet the Dusty FieldPrinter: a neat robot that navigates job sites autonomously and draws straight lights with 1/16" accuracy. It…

Frank: Robotic 3D Home Builder

3 years ago

Here is another robot that can 3D print a home faster than traditional ways. The Frank 3D printer from Apis…

LattePanda Alpha Palm Sized Windows Computer for DIY Projects

3 years ago

Meet the LattePanda Alpha: a palm sized single-board computer powered by Windows that you can use for your robots and…

Elon Musk Unveils Tesla Bot Plans

3 years ago

In the future, you may be able to rely on a Tesla Bot to automate repetitive tasks such as grocery…

Robo-C Humanoid Robot Mimics Human Emotions

3 years ago

Meet the Robo-C: a smart humanoid robot that mimics human emotions and can be made to look like any person…

Atlas Parkour Robot from Boston Dynamics

3 years ago

Atlas from Boston Dynamics has gotten a lot of coverage in the media in the past. It is a dynamic…

LightWare SF45 microLiDAR for Autonomous Robots

3 years ago

Meet the LightWare LiDAR’s SF45 microLiDAR: a smart module that gives your drones and robots eyes for obstacle avoidance and…

Boston Dynamics’ Spot Robot for Construction

3 years ago

In the past few months, we have covered many videos that show what Boston Dynamics' Spot robot dog is capable…

Xiaomi’s CyberDog: Open Source Companion Robot Dog

3 years ago

Meet Xiaomi's CyberDog: an open source robot dog designed to be human friendly. It can recognize its owner and follow…

Jueying X20 Waterproof Quadruped Robot

3 years ago

Meet the Jueying X20 from DEEP Robotics: a waterproof quadruped robot designed to perform tasks in challenging conditions. It can…