Home Videos EHang EH216-S Pilotless eVTOL Air Taxi Completes Flight in Brazil

EHang EH216-S Pilotless eVTOL Air Taxi Completes Flight in Brazil

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It is no secret that plenty of companies are working on flying cars and air taxis. EHang EH216-S Pilotless has successfully completed its first flight in brazil. This test took place in Quadra, located in the São Paulo region. The below video shows it in action:

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EHang’s EH216-S eVTOL Pilotless has successfully completed its first flight in Brazil!

This aircraft has 16 propellers and electric motors. The EH216-S model runs on batteries that can be recharged in 120 minutes. These air taxis have max weight capacity of 220kg at this time.


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