Kitchen Robots

Burger Making Robot [Video]

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including preparing our food. In the past few…

9 years ago

CIROS: Home Robot Prepares Salad

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future, including serving us in restaurants and cooking our…

9 years ago

Moley Robotic Kitchen

Robots are going to do many things for us in the future. That includes preparing our food. The Moley Robotic…

9 years ago

R2-D2 Moving Refrigerator Robot

Here is a moving refrigerator that keeps your drinks cool and moves around. It has a remote control, allowing you…

9 years ago

Teforia Tea Making Robot

Here is an intelligent tea maker that can brew various teas properly. Teforia has an elegant design and connects to…

9 years ago

NoodleBot: Noodle Robot Makes Noodles

Meet the NoodleBot: an interesting robot that looks like a cartoon character and makes 4 bowls of noodles in 1…

10 years ago