Educational Robots

Sense Expandable Educational Robot

Here is another cool robot kit designed to teach users coding and engineering concepts. The Sense Bot comes with infrared…

6 years ago

Altino Autonomous Car Teaches Kids Coding

Here is another coding kit designed to get young kids interested in coding. Altino Autonomous Cars can make teaching coding…

6 years ago

MekaMon Robot: Smart Augmented Reality Battlebot

Meet the MekaMon Robot: an augmented reality battlebot with multiple modes that lets you combat against friends and work on…

6 years ago

RobotLab Box V2 STEM Kit

Robots are wonderful tools to use to teach kids coding and technology. The RobotLab Box V2 STEM Kit comes with…

6 years ago

Augie Coding Robot with Augmented Reality

Here is another fun robot developed to get your kids familiar with the basics of coding. The Augie Coding Robot…

6 years ago

Hexbug Robot Wars Arena for BattleBots Enthusiasts

So you love battle bots? We have already covered a bunch of them you can buy to combat against your…

6 years ago

Artibo Educational Robot Kit from Cubroid

Meet Artibo from Cubroid: a cute robot with image and voice recognition that can serve as your friendly companion. It…

6 years ago

Waterbot Arduino Water Robotics Kit for Kids

Here is an Arduino robotics kit you can use in your pool or tub and let your children program it.…

6 years ago

Mabot Coding Robot Kit for Kids

Here is another modular, educational robot designed to teaches your kids a thing or two about robots. The Mabot robot…

7 years ago

Smartibot: AI Enabled Cardboard Robot Kit

Here is an affordable robot kit that lets you build AI enabled smartphone controlled robots. The Smartibot can also use…

7 years ago