Business & Research

XBOT All Terrain Tracked Mobile Robot

Meet the XBOT: an all terrain tracked robot for surveillance, security, and research. You can use this robot for rapid…

8 years ago

HeiCub Robot Performing Balancing Moves

Getting 2-legged robots to perform balancing moves is easier said than done. This video from Koroibot shows HeiCub performing torque…

8 years ago

Rock-paper-scissors Playing Robot Hand

Robots have been used in the past to play and beat humans in their own games. That applies to rock-paper-scissors…

8 years ago

λ Clone Telepresence Robot

Meet the λ Clone: a telepresence robot that lets you attend meetings from miles away. Made from CNC aluminum and…

8 years ago

BALLU Buoyancy Assisted Lightweight Legged Robot

Meet BALLU: a robotic system that uses buoyancy to stay stable. It has Helium filled balloons that make up its…

8 years ago

Rollin’ Justin Robot Learning Wiping Motion

Robots are going to perform many household chores in the future, including wiping surfaces, vacuuming the floor, and sweeping dust.…

8 years ago

Waldo Robot Autonomously Scanning Inventory

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of cool inventory scanning robots. Waldo is another one that lets…

8 years ago

Rubik’s Cube Robot Solves the Puzzle In 0.637 Seconds

Here is a Rubik's Cube robot that has managed to solve the puzzle in 0.637 seconds. Infineon chips were used…

8 years ago

ASU’s Basketball Playing Robot

Here is a robot that learns how to play basketball by repeatedly throwing the ball and getting a reward based…

8 years ago

Multi-Contact Balancing for Humanoid Robots

Humanoid robots are going to replace humans in taking on dangerous or physically demanding tasks. Robots must be able to…

8 years ago