Bio-inspired Robots

This Ingestible Origami Robot Can Patch Wounds

Here is an ingestible origami robot that can unfold from a swallowed capsule to deliver medicine, patch wounds, or remove…

9 years ago

ROBOTIS OP2 Robot Moving On Grass

ROBOTIS is behind many awesome robots. Its advanced robots can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks. This video…

9 years ago

Picobug: Tiny Robot That Can Run, Fly, Grasp

Meet the Picobug: a tiny robot that can walk, fly, and grasp. It is the smallest quadrotor aircraft with a…

9 years ago

NASA’s Valkyrie Robot: Assembly Video

NASA's Valkyrie Robot is quite impressive. It is 6 feet tall and weighs 300 pounds. It can perform a variety…

9 years ago

Cartesian 6-DoF Gaze Controller for Humanoid Robots

We have covered the iCub humanoid robot a lot here in the past. With this Cartesian 6-DoF Gaze Controller, the…

9 years ago

Biorobotics Lab’s Snake Robot

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of interesting robotic snakes. Biorobotics Lab's Snake Robot is also interesting.…

9 years ago

Two VelociRoACH Robots Cooperate To Climb a Step

Robots cooperating is nothing new. We have covered smart ants and other robots that can cooperate to get complex tasks…

9 years ago

Snake Monster Modular Robot

Meet the Snake Monster robot: a hexapod robot with modular actuators that can negotiate uneven terrains and manipulate objects. Its…

9 years ago

THORMANG3 Full Size Humanoid Robot

Meet THORMANG3: a humanoid robot with 7DOF arms and a 2DOF head that can manipulate objects and perform a variety…

9 years ago

OceanOne Underwater Robot with Haptic Feedback System

Meet OceanOne: a humanoid robot with AI and haptic feedback systems to allow pilots to explore the depths of oceans…

9 years ago