Bio-inspired Robots

ReFlex ROS Compatible Robotic Hand

Meet the ReFlex Hand: a robotic hand that can pinch and grasp using 4 Dynamixel motors. It is ROS compatible…

8 years ago

Thubber: Stretchable Rubber for Robotic Muscles

Here is an electrically insulating composite with metal-like thermal conductivity and elasticity similar to biological tissue that can prove useful…

8 years ago

TALOS Advanced Humanoid Robot for Research

Meet TALOS: an advanced fully electrical humanoid robot for your research projects. It stands 1.75m tall and is 100% ROS…

8 years ago

RoboThespian Humanoid Robot

Meet the RoboThespian RT4 robot: a humanoid robot in a touchscreen kiosk that can interact with your visitors with gestures…

8 years ago

Cassie Bipedal Delivery Robot

In the future, autonomous vans and robots will be used to deliver packages to people. Take Cassie for instance. It…

8 years ago

Rollin’ Justin Humanoid Robot In Action

Remember Rollin' Justin? We have covered plenty of research projects that rely on the robot. It is an autonomous dexterous…

8 years ago

MechaHand Robotic Arm Controlled by Limb

Meet the MechaHand: a robotic arm that can mimic your hand movement. It is driven by an ATmega2560 microcontroller. The…

8 years ago

Sii Robot with LCD Eyes & Mouth To Express Itself

Meet Sii: a robot with a socially intelligent interface that has LCD screens as its eyes and mouth. It comes…

8 years ago

ARMAR-III Robot Preparing a Salad

Robots learning how to cook meals and preparing salads is nothing new. In this video, the ARMAR-III robot takes on…

8 years ago

RiSE Robot Can Climb Walls & Trees

Boston Dynamics has been in the media again in the past few days for its new robots. The company has…

8 years ago