Bio-inspired Robots

Aerial-Biped: a Drone with Legs That Can Walk

In the past few years, we have covered a whole host of ground systems that rely on drones to complete…

6 years ago

Erica Autonomous Conversational Female Robot

Remember Erica? It is a robot female that serves as a research platform for human-robot interaction. Erica is capable of…

6 years ago

QTrobot Helping Children with Autism

Here is a robot designed to help children with autism and special needs with educational activities. The QTrobot uses games…

6 years ago

PIPDriver Advanced Prosthesis for Amputees

Here is another advanced prosthetic device designed to make life easier for amputees. It is made for "amputations distal to…

6 years ago

DoCoMo: Controlling Humanoid Robots Using 5G

Robots are being used in many fields to keep humans out of harm's way while completing challenging tasks. This video…

6 years ago

Youbionic 3D Printed Bionic Arm

Here is a bionic limb you can 3D print and program with Arduino for your projects. The Youbionic Arm is…

6 years ago

Erica Female Robot by JST ERATO

Here is another lifelike female robot that can engage in conversations while exhibiting realistic expressions. ERICA recently conducted a job…

6 years ago

KIST’s 3D Soft Robots That Act Like Living Creatures

Here is a new 3D soft robot created by cutting and folding plastic films that is animated like living creatures.…

6 years ago

KXR-L4T-R Turtle & Rover Robot Kit

Meet the Kondo Kagaku Multi Legged Robot: a turtle robot that you can build and program using a simple motion…

6 years ago

Dogbot: Build Your Own Robot Dog

We have seen plenty of cool robot dogs in the past few years, including a couple from Boston Dynamics. The…

6 years ago