Bio-inspired Robots

Purdue’s Hummingbird Robot

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of awesome bio-inspired robots here. Purdue's Hummingbird Robot is also worth…

6 years ago

RoboNOPE: Giant Black Widow Spider Robot

Robugtix is behind some amazing robots. Their RoboNOPE happens to be a giant black widow spider robot. It is powered…

6 years ago

Close-to-Production Spot Mini Robot with Redesigned Components

Boston Dynamics is putting the finishing touches on the Spot Mini robot. This video from TechCrunch shows a close-to-production Spot…

6 years ago

Robot Fish Modeled After Muskie Fish

Here is a robot fish modeled after the muskellunge that can swim autonomously in the water like a real fish.…

6 years ago

Faster Snake Inspired Soft Kirigami Robot Developed by SEAS Researchers

Snake robots are becoming faster and more precise all the time. SEAS researchers have built a new soft snake robot…

6 years ago

Plantoid Robot Uses a Plant As Its Brain

Here is a robot that uses signals from a plant to keep it alive. The Plantoid Robot Tenax Kit is…

6 years ago

Ghost Robotics’ Vision 60 All-Terrain 4-Legged Robot with Follow-Me Function

Meet the GR Vision 60: a mid-sized foldable 4-legged autonomous robot with military, mining, public safety, and scientific applications. It…

6 years ago

Boston Dynamics’ Spot Robots Hauling a Truck

In the past few months, we have covered a bunch of awesome videos of Spot robots doing things. Boston Dynamics…

6 years ago

DHEF Adaptive Robot Gripper Inspired by Chameleon’s Tongue

Festo is behind some of the coolest bio-inspired robots we have seen. Their DHEF is also worth a look. It…

6 years ago

New Dexterity Adaptive Humanlike Robot Hand

There are plenty of robot hands around these days. Not all of them are capable of producing humanlike movement. The…

6 years ago