Meet ALPHRED2: a multi-modal locomotion robot that can walk, hop, run, and roll. It is powered by RoMeLa's BEAR (Back-drivable…
In the past few years, we have seen plenty of innovative robot designs. Researchers from the University of Tokyo and…
In the past few years, we have seen plenty of snake-type robots that can move on land and in water…
In the past few years, we have covered a bunch of cool insect inspired robots. Harvard researchers have built the…
Meet Jelly: a walking, rolling robot that can change its shape to walk short distances or roll longer ones. It…
Here is a robotic fish that is powered by its own artificial circulatory system. Cornell University were inspired by a…
Meet DRACO: a liquid-cooled 10DOF bipedal platform that can be used for any humanoid system. It comes with access to…
Here is another robot that can climb steep slopes and grip onto rough surfaces. The T-RHex has microspines on its…
Improving balance in robots is an ongoing field. In fact, robots are getting better at it all the time. Hybrid…
Here is another humanoid robot capable of playing a musical instrument. University of Tokyo researchers have developed the Kojiro robot…