Bio-inspired Robots

Mole-bot Bio-Inspired Digging Robot

In the past few years, we have covered plenty of robots inspired by nature. The Mole-bot is a directional drilling…

5 years ago

Charlie Walking Robot with Self-Righting Behavior

Getting walking robots to recover from a fall is easier said than done. This video from German Research Center for…

5 years ago

A1 $10k Robot Dog with Running Speed of 3.3m/s

Meet the A1 Robot Dog: a cute, agile quadruped robot that can run as fast as 11.88km/h. It can recover…

5 years ago

Ladybird Beetle Inspired Origami Robot

Plenty of robots are inspired by nature. This jump-gliding origami has wings inspired by ladybird beetle. The SNU BioRobotics Lab…

5 years ago

PATRICK Brittle Star Robot

Meet PATRICK: a brittle star robot that can crawl under water. This untethered soft robot uses feedback control to complete…

5 years ago

Salamandra Robotica II Amphibious Salamander Robot

Meet the Salamandra Robotica II: a salamander robot that can crawl, walk, and swim. It has a modular design, each…

5 years ago

HIBot Float Arm Snake Robot

Meet the HIBot Float Arm: a snake robot with long-reach for confined spaces. It is able to navigate in complex…

5 years ago

Improving Robotic Locomotion by Imitating Animals

Researchers in the field of robotics are inspired by nature and animals all the time to improve their designs. This…

5 years ago

Robot Ostrich Chick Spying On Real Chicks

Robots have been used in the past to spy on wild animals. John Downer's video shows a robot ostrich chick…

5 years ago

Petit Qoobo Pillow with Robotic Cat Tail Announced

Remember Qoobo? It is a pillow with a robotic cat tail that can relax your mind. It reacts differently depending…

5 years ago