Home Bio-inspired Robots Black Panther II: Robotic Dog That Sprints 100 Meters in Under 10...

Black Panther II: Robotic Dog That Sprints 100 Meters in Under 10 Seconds

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This is the Black Panther II: a robotic dog that can sprint 100 meters in 10 seconds. Its design is inspired by black panthers and jerboas. As explained by Hangzhou researchers, this robot mimics their agile hip, knee, and foot dynamics.

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This robot weighs 38kg, standing 0.63m tall. It has a peak stride frequency of 5 times per second. It has carbon-fiber shins to boost its stiffness. It also has cheetah-paw-like running shoes for better grips. Its knees have advanced shock absorbers, 2 3000N/m coil springs to reduce impact inertia by 8 times, cutting ground force, minimizing energy loss for a more efficient performance.


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