Figure 01 Autonomous Humanoid Robot

4 months ago

This is the Figure 01 Robot: an autonomous humanoid robot with hands that can open doors and use tools. It…

Amazon Astro for Business: Mobile Security Robot

4 months ago

Amazon introduced its Astro robot a while ago. It can help you keep an eye on your home. The Amazon…

HRSL Robotic Hip Exoskeleton Assists with Movement

4 months ago

Here is a robotic hip exoskeleton that provides wearers assistance with movement. Developed by the Human Robot Systems Laboratory (HRSL),…

GITAI Robots Building Communication Tower

4 months ago

Robots are going to do many things for us in space in the future, including most of our exploration on…

Unitree H1 Humanoid Breaks Speed Record (3.3m/s)

4 months ago

Humanoid robots are getting more advanced all the time. Plenty of companies are working on perfecting them. The Unitree H1…

Segway Navimow i Series AI Assisted Robotic Mower

4 months ago

Robotic mowers are getting more advanced features all the time. The Segway Navimow i Series is an AI assisted robotic…

Moorebot Scout Model E Auto Patrol Camera Robot

4 months ago

This is the Moorebot Scout Model E: a cute little robot that can be programmed to patrol preset paths in…

OMRON MD-900 Autonomous Mobile Robot

4 months ago

This is the OMRON MD-900 AMR: a mobile robot with tops sped of 2.2m/sec. This particular model has max payload…

Honda UNI-ONE Personal Mobility Device with XR

4 months ago

This is the Honda UNI-ONE: a personal mobility device with advanced self balancing and sensors that let users move any…

ANP Prosthesis with Artificial Neuromuscular System

4 months ago

Here is a transumeral prosthesis that emulates the behavior of the human neuromuscular system. The ANP has 4 degrees of…