Home 3D Printing Ligō Robot Prints New Skin for Burn Treatment

Ligō Robot Prints New Skin for Burn Treatment

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Robots are going to change the healthcare industry drastically in the next few years. We have already covered a bunch of them that can perform surgeries and other complex procedures. Ligo is a robot that prints new skins that could revolutionize how we treat burn treatment. As the makers explain:

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Inventia Skin’s Ligō robot prints tiny droplets containing the patient’s skin cells and biomaterials to speed up the regenerative process and create a new layer of skin where it has been damaged. The device uses patented technology developed in Australia by parent company Inventia Life Science […] The technology within Ligō enables the rapid and precise delivery of multiple cell types and advanced biomaterials to a wound, providing the potential to recreate functional and aesthetically normal skin. This can be achieved in a single procedure, reducing treatment cost and hospital stays, and minimizing the risk of infection.


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